Pamięci Profesora Andrzeja Krzysztofa Kwaśniewskiego (1947-2011)

Profesor Andrzej Krzysztof Kwaśniewski (1947-2011)
Profesor AKK (2008)



Gian Carlo Rota Polish Seminar - Library

  1. Mullin-Rota
  2. Biblioteka Wirtualna Nauki
  3. E. Nelson Confessions of an apostate mathematician debate with Ennio De Giorgi, Forl`i, Italy, 1995.
  4. E. Nelson Mathematics and faith in ?The Human Search for Truth: Philosophy, Science, Theology? The Outlook for the Third Millennium? International Conference on Science and Faith,The Vatican, 23-25 May 2000, St. Joseph?s University Press, Philadelphia, 2002
  5. E. Nelson Completed versus incomplete infinity in arithmetic, presented to STOQ International Con-ference on Infinity in Science, Philosophy, and Theology, Pontifical Lateran University, Vatican City, November 9?11, 2005.
  6. E. Nelson Syntax and semantics, presented to International Conference: ?Foundations and the Onto-logical Quest. Prospects for the New Millennium?, Pontifical Lateran University, Vatican City, January 7?10, 2002.
  7. H. Jerome Keisler Elementary Calculus An Approach Using Infinitesimals. First edition 1976; 2nd edition 1986 in pdf format available for downloading at
  8. David Tall Natural and Formal Infinities
  9. Ordinal number
  10. Ordinal arithmetic
  11. Recent Nelson and on line papers
  12. Edward Nelson's on-line papers.doc
  13. A Categorical Primer by Chris Hillman
  14. faune_du_jardin_oiseaux
  15. [1]Planetmath encyclopedia.doc
  16. [1b]Earliest Known Uses of Some of the Words of Mathematics.doc
  17. [2] Endofunctions graphs.doc
  18. [3] Cayley _Land_Lin ks.doc
  19. [3a] wilf_prefabs_ps.dat
  20. [3b] Menni_JOYal_prefab.pdf
  21. [3c] Labelle_des especes.doc
  22. [3d] Cayley 1889 Joyal 1981 .doc
  23. [3e] Rota on the Theory of Species.doc
  24. [3g] Endofuctns_species.pdf
  25. [3h] John Baez refers to Andre Joyal.doc
  26. [3i] Weeks by John Baez.doc
  27. [4] Catalan numbers.doc
  28. [5] Euler_Betti.doc
  29. [6] graph_compositions.doc
  30. [77a] A GATEWAY TO exp{Cosmos}.doc
  31. [77b] Graph Theoryl.doc
  32. [77c] Analysis of Algorithms.doc
  33. [77d] Ksi?ga iteracji.doc
  34. [77e] Introduction to Polya Enumeration Theory
  35. Knopfmacher et all Exers
  36. An Invitation to Combinatorial Species-Lastaria
  37. Funzioni combinatoria
  38. Inertia and Biclique Decompositions of Joins of Graphs (doc)
  39. Inertia and Biclique Decompositions of Joins of Graphs (2002) (pdf)
  40. Inertia and Biclique Decompositions of Joins of Graphs (pdf)