Christoph Schwarzweller: Teaching - summer term 2024

Office hours

Monday, 09.15 - 10.00 and Thursday, 10.15 - 11.00, room 4.06

Egzaminy poprawkowe odbędą się ustnie 04.09.2024. (Harmonogram)

Declarative Programming

The exam takes place on Monday, 17.06.2024 at 10.00-12.00 in room A.107 - on paper, without notes or other material! (results)

The exam on the exercises (kolokwium) - for all groups - takes place on 04.06.2024 at 10.15 in room 1.14 - on paper, without notes or other material! (results)

Lecture notes - chapter 1 (in polish)

Lecture notes - chapter 2 (in polish)

Lecture notes - chapter 3 (in polish)

Lecture notes - chapter 4 (in polish)

Lecture notes - chapter 5 (in polish)

Concerning the names of cons, card and cdr.

Lecture notes - chapter 1 (in polish)

Lecture notes - chapter 2 (in polish)


H. Abelson and G.J. Sussman with J. Sussman, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

D.P. Friedman and M. Felleisen, The Little Schemer

Ivan Bratko, Prolog - Programming for Artificial Intelligence

Scheme (Racket) Hompage

SWI-Prolog Hompage

Exercises (Scheme)      

Exercises (Prolog)

Example exam

Logic Programming

The exam takes place on Tuesday, 18.06.2024 at 10.00-12.00 in room A.302 - on paper, without notes or other material! (results)

The exam on the exercises (kolokwium) takes place on 05.06.2024 at 12.05 in room A.001 - on paper, without notes or other material! (results)

Lecture notes - chapter 1 (in polish)

Lecture notes - chapter 2 (in polish)

Lecture notes - chapter 2a (in polish)

Lecture notes - chapter 3 (in polish)

Lecture notes - chapter 3a (in polish)

Lecture notes - chapter 4 (in polish)


Ivan Bratko, Prolog - Programming for Artificial Intelligence



Resolution - original paper by Robinson

SWI-Prolog Hompage


Example exam

Seminarium Programowanie generyczne (stacjonarne)


Programowanie funkcyjne (niestacjonarne)

Egzamin (pisemny, bez notatek) odbędzie się 22.06.2024, 8.15 w sali A.301. (wyniki)

Kolokwium (pisemne, bez notatek) odbędzie się 08.06.2024, 9.45 w czasie laboratorium. (wyniki)

Notatki do rozdziału 1

Notatki do rozdziału 2

Notatki do rozdziału 3

Notatki do rozdziału 4

Notatki do rozdziału 4a

Notatki do rozdziału 4b

Notatki do rozdziału 5 (tylko wstęp, 5.3 oraz 6)


Simon Thompson, Haskell - The Craft of Functional Programming

Graham Hutton, Programming in Haskell

H. Conrad Cunningham, Notes on Functional Programming with Haskell

Type Inference

Type Inference - simply typed lambda-calculus

Type Inference - original paper by Milner

Haskel Hompage

Zadania     Rozwiązania wybranych zadań: Zadanie 19, Zadania 20-23

Przykładowe kolokwium

Seminarium Programowanie generyczne (niestacjonarne)
